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议员之声 — 安省政府致力于增加托儿服务,为疲于生计奔波的家庭减轻负担!

发表在 教育 2019-10-28 12:10 来自PC 复制链接 手机看帖 扫一扫!手机看帖更爽 0 7047

教育部的最新报告显示,由公共和/或私营部门的托儿服务提供者在整个安大略省,同期创建了超过19,000个获得儿童保育牌照的儿童保育空间 。

教育部长史蒂芬·莱切(Stephen Lecce)说:“我们的政府致力于使家庭生活更轻松,这意味着增加获得托儿服务的机会。” “创造了超过19,000个新的托儿名额,这意味着更多的家庭将能够选择最适合其孩子的照护类型,以便他们可以上班,经商或学习以获得新技能。”

儿童和妇女问题副部长吉尔·邓洛普(Jill Dunlop)表示:“公共和私营部门创建新的托儿所对这个省的家庭来说是个好消息。” “我们的政府正在采取包容性的方法来帮助他们取得成功,并将继续致力于提供托儿服务,以满足整个安大略省的多样化需求。”





* 安省将拨款2.07亿加元给市政当局和原住民社区,以支持提高合格的托儿专业人员的工资。

* 在持照托儿部门工作的工作人员中,约有88%有资格提高工资。

* 安省2019-20年度幼儿保育的总预算超过20亿加元。

* 除了托儿税收抵免外,“托儿费用扣除额”还为符合条件的托儿费用提供了额外的税收减免。

* 省府在2019年拨款2.08亿加元,以帮助在安省的儿童保育系统中保留注册的幼儿教育工作者,并支持获得稳定,高质量的儿童保育计划。

* 在2018-19年度,安省根据《加拿大-安大略省早期学习和儿童保育协议》获得了1.463亿加元的联邦资金。

* 育儿部门的普通工人每年将通过增加工资获得额外3,700加元。

以上信息由Oakville North-Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。
effie_triantafilopoulos (2).jpg
Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington
2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB


Our government is committed to making life easier for families and that means improving access to child care options,” said Education Minister Stephen Lecce. “The creation of over 19,000 new child care spaces means that more families will be able to choose the kind of care that is best for their children so they can go to work, run a business or study to acquire new skills.”

"The creation of new child care spaces - by both the public and private sectors - is great news for the families of this province," said Jill Dunlop, Associate Minister of Children and Women's Issues. "Our government is taking an inclusive approach to helping them succeed and remains c In 2019, Ontario announced new steps to improve access to child care options for parents. The government will commit up to $1 billion over five years to create up to 30,000 new child care spaces in schools across the province. As well, the government introduced the new Ontario Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit, which will provide approximately 300,000 families with up to 75% of their eligible child care expenses.

Ontario's government is protecting what matters most through support for child care professionals that will ensure our province provides the very best child care options for parents and families.

Eligible staff working in a licensed child care program or agency will continue to see increased wages of up to $2 an hour, while home child care providers working with a licensed child care agency will be eligible for a grant of up to $20 a day. This investment will help strengthen Ontario's child care system by retaining more registered early childhood educators and other qualified professionals.

"Registered early childhood educators and child care professionals provide Ontario families with a vital service and start our children on a lifelong journey of learning," said Education Minister Lisa Thompson, who announced the wage enhancement funding today. "We are recognizing the important work they do and ensuring that Ontario families continue to benefit from their skills and expertise."

Ontario is investing in a child care and early years system that puts families first. As part of the 2019 Budget, the province introduced the new Ontario Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit that will provide about 300,000 families with up to 75 per cent of their eligible child care expenses.


-  Ontario’s total 2019-20 budget for child care and early years is more than $2 billion.

-  In addition to the child care tax credit, the Child Care Expense Deduction provides added tax relief for eligible child care expenses.

-   The province has allocated $208 million in 2019 to help retain Registered Early Childhood Educators within Ontario’s child care system, and support access to stable, high-quality child care programs.

-   In 2018-19, Ontario received $146.3 million in federal funding under the Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.

-  committed to providing child care options to meet the diversity of needs across Ontario."

-   Ontario is allocating $207 million to municipalities and First Nation communities to support wage enhancements for eligible child care professionals.

-   Approximately 88 per cent of staff working in the licensed child care sector are eligible for wage enhancement.

-   The average child care sector worker would receive $3,700 annually through wage enhancement funding.

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